Salome Shubitidze

The main directions of Salome Shubitidze in the company are administrative and private legal issues, personal lawyer of corporate clients.

Working experience: 

2019 - till today - Migration and Asylum Law center (MALC) -  Lawyer

2018 - 2019  Insurance Company Alpha - Director of the Legal Risk Management Department

2017 – 2018 - Bank of Georgia - Property Management Lawyer

2016 – 2017 - Orbi Ltd. - Real estate protection - Head of Legal Service

2016 -  Georgian technical university - guest lecturer

2014 – 2016 - Tbilisi City Court - Assistant of Judge

July of 2014 – November of 2014 - Tbilisi City Court - Secretary of the Judicial Session


2010 – 2014 - Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi state university – faculty of law (Bachelor's degree)

2014-2017 - University of Georgia – faculty of law (Master's degree)

Implemented projects, International Conferences, Trainings and Certificates 

2018 - Judge Qualification Exam Preparation Course

2017 - Debate organized by the International Republican Institute (live TV) - Winner

2016 - Georgian Bar Association Qualification Exam - General Specialization

2012 - Scholarship of the President of Georgia

2012 - Scholarship of the Rector of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

2013 - Scholarship of the Prime Minister of Georgia